Joining our Chapter is very simple. All new members have to ensure that National HOG Membership is in good standing. A $20.00 annual fee is required for all new members. Payment of the annual fee can be done via Cash, Check, Cashier's check, PayPal or Cash App. If you are using a check or cashier's check, please make them payable to Bayside HOG. Here's our recommendations for every new member:
1. Attend a Chapter Meeting. The Bayside H.O.G. Chapter holds monthly meetings at 11:00 AM on the 3rd Saturday of each month at our sponsoring dealership, Bayside Harley Davidson. Bring the annual fee when you come to the meeting along with a pen. Once at the meeting you can fill out the registration form and give form along with the annual fee to HOG Director, or you can ask a current member for assistance.
2. Go to Bayside Dealership and locate the HOG corner at the back of the dealership. The membership forms are easily accessible. If you are having problems locating the HOG corner please see the clerk at the cash register or ask a sales associate for assistance. Once form is located fill it out and drop it along with the annual fee in an envelope in the drop box where the forms were found.
3. Member ship can be done online by clicking on the download option at the bottom of this page. A new window will open allowing you to either download or fill out the form. Once done filling out the form save it and print it out along with proof of payment if using the PayPal or Cash App links. Bring those forms to a chapter meeting or place them in an envelope and drop them off at the drop box located in the dealership. All payments or proof of payments must be included with the membership form.
For any questions please email